ta da! I have chosen a new template I am enjoying working with more. That seems like an unnecessarily wordy sentence. And I think I just spelled unnecessarily wrong.
Oh well.
What I wanted to do tonight.
Call a boy who lives downstairs from me and say, "Hey Boy Who Lives Downstairs From Me! Wanna go to Ben & Jerry's and get some ice cream? Wanna go see Lilo & Stitch?" (We both want to see Lilo & Stitch.)
Here's what I did do tonight.
Played around with the template. Hid my name from view on posts. Watched two episodes of Buffy. Ate Wild Mushroom Ravioli with cream sauce from California Pizza Kitchen. Listened to Avril Lavigne's CD. (Muy bueno.)
I'm telling you now. The Boy Downstairs and I are headed directly for Friendville. I feel it coming. As one who has felt Friendville on the itinerary before, I know.
the state of me
Friday, June 28, 2002
Thursday, June 27, 2002
Vicarious excitement~
Jake Slichter, drummer extraordinaire, has a book deal. Details are on the Semisonic website, www.semisonic.com, and you can check out his funny, wonderful road diaries that got him this deal. Go. Go. Right now.
Jake, if you ever read this, we're made for each other. Come over any Wednesday and we'll watch Law & Order together.
COMING~a devious ploy to get my man!
Wednesday, June 26, 2002
Tacky incident of the day I was privy to~
A person I know (okay, yes, I once considered him a friend...sigh...we all have lapses in judgment) offered to take me to Starbucks. This person, let's call him Bob, only had $3 and the total was $6 so he pulled out a credit card, tossed it on the counter and announced in his very loud voice, "This ought to cover it. It's got a $15,000 credit limit."
And if I wasn't mortified enough, he added,
"Yeah, they wanted to give me a $20,000 limit but I said $15,000 was enough."
Classy, eh?
Tuesday, June 25, 2002
Here's what I want to know. Really. How do you get a boy to notice you really like him? Or, inversely, how are you (meaning me) supposed to know if the boy understands you are interested but is not interested back so he's just pretending he doesn't notice you're interested so he doesn't hurt your feelings?