I have to give you all a link to a crazycool website. *She's Crafty* That's where all the quiz results I've added to my blog come from. Her website has lots of cool stuff to click on and play with. I've wasted mucho time on it. :)
Happy birthday to E!!!! We're going to do some serious celebrating tonight!
Not much else to say. I had something, a couple of days ago, about how boys confuse me and are tiresome, but I'm laughing it all off now. Who can take all of this so seriously all the time? I can't. It wears me out. When one is as fabulous as I am, you can't waste your time with people who don't recognize it.
Oh yeah! I remember now. I was going to say about how this one guy I used to lust over, I found out he likes bleached blondes with big breasts. That's his type. And I can't even begin to tell you how contrary this seems to his personality. He seems far too academic to want one of those chicks hanging on his arm. But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. I can see this cute nerd (oh I am cursed to love the cute geeky boys!) feeling even smarter when some airhead hangs on him, tells him how smart he is, and gives him a good time in bed. I would think a guy who felt like a loser in high school might need someone like that in his life. No one too challenging and a big ego boost. Not that I know for sure he thought of himself as a loser in high school or not. So anyway, the bleached-blonde, big-breasted requirement definitely put me out of the running for this dude's affections. Though I was over that a while ago, so now I can laugh at this new fact I've been handed. And I still like him enough to hang out with him.
So here's the thing about finding something like this out--it makes me think how possibly many guys are looking for some very specific girl which is pretty silly. And also pretty immature. Disheartening a little, because maybe someone I am interested in won't even consider how great I could be for him because you know, I don't meet the height requirement or the hair color requirement but I guess it's nice to know it's not me, it's him. And I know there are guys out there more mature than this because E has one. And that's an awesome birthday present.
the state of me
Friday, August 09, 2002
Wednesday, August 07, 2002
I can't even begin to tell you what a difference the weather makes for my mood. Yesterday the heat wave of 90 degrees and humid finally broke and it was so lovely and in the 70's. A touch on the windy side, but no complaints from me. I actually like wind a lot. I like to be outside on a day like yesterday (and today, too, thankfully) and close my eyes and feel the breeze running over me, touching my skin. That's one of my favorite sensations in life.
Anyhow, so yesterday was just the best day. I got to talk to AD and it was so fabulous to hear her voice again. For the first couple of minutes it was just us screaming and saying how much we miss each other and how good it was to hear each other's voices. She said she was standing outside a bar, jumping around and screaming and I told her I was jumping around my apartment and screaming. I got that from her. I think we talked for about half an hour and it was so hard, just as hard as I knew it would be to hang up with her, but we did it. Eventually, after many more "I miss you"'s and "I love you"'s.
Then, I got to see E. She came by after work and we went out to dinner. It was so great to see her again, after being away for two weeks and just hang out and talk and catch up and remember that I do have this nice Boston life. Oh, and in the afternoon I went over to school (My old school, I am graduated now, but I still like to go over and see what's going on. Oh yeah, I did go over for a reason, to pick up my friend K's thesis.) and ran into my friends M and W which was nice.
So it was a really good day. Oh, and the last nice thing that happened is that I took the "Which Buff Girl Are You" quiz and I am Buffy. Rockin'.
Tuesday, August 06, 2002
Right now I am waiting for my best friend AD's brother to call me to tell me it is my turn to call AD in Cameroon. AD is there working for the Peace Corps teaching future teachers how to teach and AIDS education as well as any girls empowerment programs she can come up with. AD left June 3 and it boggles my mind that it has been this long since I've talked to her. I am still so used to calling her whenever I want, seeing her when I come back to Boston. I miss her so much! And it feels weird that talking to her in a few minutes is going to be such a treat and it will probably be three more months, at least, until I will be able to talk to her again.
I'm not sure exactly how it works, but apparantly she has the cell phone for an hour, between 6 and 7 Cameroonian time, 1 and 2 our time, and we can call now. Her brother is calling first and then calling me when he's done so I can call. And I am already sad about having to hang up.
When AD left I said, "Well, the last year your are there, its not even a whole year, it's just until September, and this year is almost over [yeah it was June] so really you're only going to be gone for a year."
Whatever makes it faster, right?