Music for the day~
"Rising" by Bruce Springsteen, "Goodbye To You" by Michelle Branch, "Brothers in Arms" by the Dire Straits, "Little Love" by Melissa Ferrick.
I heard Paul Auster say that everyone wants to tell the story of where they were when they heard and all of these stories together, our stories, give us the truth.
I was in a cab, riding home from Mass General where I'd just seen my surgeon for a check-up after the surgery I had last summer. My mom had asked me to call and tell her how it went. I did and she told me a plane had flown into one of the World Trade Center buildings. I, like many people I'm sure, thought it was a little twin engine type thing. When I got home and turned on the TV I saw what had happened. I called my friend, AD at work and told her. Soon her company told everyone to go home. She came to my apartment just as the first building fell and we sat together for the rest of the day watching.
This morning my mom and I had to put our dog Willie to sleep. He was a sweet, wonderful, charming, opinionated, brave, funny soul who I remember sleeping on our diving board in Wichita and always escaping from our yard here in Ithaca. Once, my dad went to find him in the car. Willie was down the street. When he saw my dad, instead of jumping in the car, because he knew he was in trouble, he ran all the way home.
We miss him.
the state of me
Wednesday, September 11, 2002
Monday, September 09, 2002
Good G*d, here it is September already. I keep putting off blogging thinking I have nothing to say but the more I put it off, the more it seems impossible to catch up. Not that there is too much to say really. I'm cruising along on the recovery. I only used the walker for a week and a half or so and the pain decreases quite a bit everyday.
Here's what I want to know. Do men think women really need make-up? On E's birthday about a month ago I went over to her place to meet those of us who were going to dinner to celebrate. Just before we left E said she wanted to put on a bit of make-up and T rolled his eyes and made a comment along the lines of E not needing any. Granted, E is naturally pretty and not covered in acne or in need of shading to make a large nose look smaller. But in general we women get to an age when a little something seems a must for dinner out, at the very least. So what do men really think about all the make-up we wear? The make-up we wear to look like we have none on? The make-up we wear to look glam? Do we need it to get the boyfriend, but once we have him it's no longer necessary? Do men know how much we spend on all these products? Do women really only wear make-up for the sake of other women? Seriously. I want to know. Because maybe, just maybe, I could be saving myself a lot of time and money.